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Eneco World

Corporate questions

You can email us with questions about the strategy and policy of Eneco. We do not answer questions from customers via this email address.


The spokespersons of Eneco handle all questions from or for media. You can find detailed contact information in our newsroom. Unfortunately, we cannot answer questions from customers here.

Working at Eneco

Working at Eneco

Want to know more about Eneco as employer? Or looking for a new job? We hire people in/for Analysis & Financial, Commercial, Customer Care, Interim, IT, Marketing, Internships & Starters, Staff, Technology.

Contact with our brands

AGreenergy logo RGB


AgroEnergy helps horticultural customers purchase sustainable energy for the best possible price.

Eneco logo-CMYK


Eneco is responsible for generating and supplying green energy. With affordable products and services Eneco helps people make the switch to more sustainable and smarter energy.

Oxxio logo RGB


Oxxio is an energy supplier in the Netherlands. Oxxio makes everything related to energy and energy contracts as simple and fun as possible.
LichtBlick logo


LichtBlick is a green, customer oriented and innovative energy company, situated in Germany.
WoonEnergie logo


WoonEnergie helps housing corporations and their tenants to save energy.