
Since 2012, Enecogen has ensured a continuous supply of affordable energy when the sun and wind are less available. With an efficiency of 59%, great flexibility and low CO2 emissions, Enecogen one of the least polluting and most efficient gas power plants in Europe.
As equal partner within the partnership 'Enecogen', Eneco and EP NL take care of the operation of this gas-fired power plant. Enecogen is located in the Europoort region and its energy production is equivalent to the electricity consumption of ca.1.4 million Dutch households.


The CO2 emissions of our own activities: power stations, buildings, installations and mobility, amount to 1.7 Mt in total. The gas-fired power plants for the production of electricity and heat account for the largest share.

It is our ambition to have Enecogen emit zero CO2 by 2035. The way to achieve that by then could consist of one of the following options, or a combination of them:

Enecogen does not burn natural gas, but green gas;
Capture and store or use (CCUS) the CO2 released during the combustion of natural gas and/or green gas;
Convert Enecogen into a hydrogen-fired power plant;
In combination with one of the previous options, reduce Enecogen's operating hours by using other forms of CO2-free flex capacity.

None of the above options are certain at present. We are participating in green gas and hydrogen pilots to learn. We are closely following developments in the field of CCUS. And we are committed to increasing our flexible CO2-free controllable capacity. An example of this is Power-to-Heat: converting electricity into heat both at customers' premises and in our heat network.



Do you have any questions about Enecogen? Please contact us by email. We'll answer them as soon as possible.