Doing business with Eneco
Eneco is a strong, integrated, independent and growing energy company, active in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom.Driven by our mission ‘everyone’s sustainable energy’, we develop products and services and, together with partners, we invest in green electricity to enable our customers to make the switch to more sustainable and smarter energy consumption.

Digital Procurement transformation
As Eneco, we want to accelerate the energy transition, something we can only achieve together with customers, partners and of course our suppliers.Our procurement strategy hereto is to further integrate our supply chains in a sustainable, safe and transparent manner.
Please view the video from our CPO on this.
Code of conduct and policies
Code of conduct
We ask suppliers to conform to certain desirable behavior by signing our Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC). In all procurement projects of Eneco, our sustainable strategy plays an important role. This has been translated into policy in which the basic principles for sustainable and socially responsible procurement have been described. Choices are not only based on price and quality, but also on social and ecological criteria.
General terms of purchase
- General Terms and Conditions (PDF)
- General Terms and Conditions Eneco Belgium (PDF)
- General Terms and Conditions Eneco Solar Belgium (PDF)
- General Terms and Conditions Eneco Wind Belgium (PDF)
- Supplemental Terms and Conditions Governing Consultancy (PDF)
- Supplemental Terms and Conditions ICT (PDF)
- Supplemental Terms and Conditions Hiring (PDF)
- Conditions Generales d'achat Eneco Belgium (FR, PDF)
- Conditions Generales d'achat Eneco Solar Belgium (FR, PDF)
- Conditions Generales d'achat Eneco Wind Belgium (FR, PDF)
Communication with suppliers
Eneco uses SAP Ariba and SAP Ariba Network for communicating with suppliers. An Ariba Network account is essential for suppliers wishing to take part in invitations to tender, to be able to receive orders from Eneco and to send invoices. If you do not have an Ariba Network account you can obtain one by registering on Ariba Network.Ariba Network & registration process
SAP Ariba is a cloud-based procurement system that includes a transaction platform called the Ariba Network.
Transacting with Eneco
In order to transact with Eneco efficiently, please follow below guidelines.
In case you received a purchase order (PO) from Eneco, you are required to send your invoice via SAP Ariba Business Network. When this is not possible, please request an exemption from Eneco Procurement.
In case of non-PO invoices, the invoice can be sent to
Participate in an event
Please use below documents if you need help on participating in a sourcing event or signing a contract.
Gate Instructions
Contact us
We look forward to start transacting with you and see how we can work towards a sustainable future together.If you have any questions about SAP Ariba or transacting with Eneco, please send an email to