
Eneco World different floors

Annual report 2023

We spent the last financial year again working hard to supply our customers with affordable, reliable and sustainable energy. Our continued efforts to develop sustainable production will make the country’s energy system less dependent on fossil fuels from abroad, and also less vulnerable. Making smarter and more efficient use of energy will prevent waste, and allow us to benefit from lower costs when wind and sun are abundant. Another key factor is that we are making good progress with reducing our emissions on the road to becoming climate-neutral by 2035.
Eneco MeterkastMythes Noise and Insulation - 0910_0879a

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Open plan office customer care

Euro Commercial Paper Programme (ECP)

A Euro Commercial Paper (ECP) programme is a standard framework with the main terms and conditions at which short-term loans are contracted in the money market. The ECP is unsecured and unsubordinated.